Thursday, April 1, 2010

happy birthday to me...

happy birthday to me...

happy birthday to me...

happy birthday to mama...

happy birthday to me...

i'm 26 today........

apart of myself dancing but apart of it crying...sigh...sadness go away!!


yaya said...

lamanye x update cite baru.
nape ek?
rindu nak baca.
suka tgk gambar balqis.
comei giler..
anyway, hepi besday..
semoga bahagia selalu..

Atiey MN said...

ngah...happy belated birthday dear...sorry tau lmbt...bile due?

eim said...

happy bufday..
jgnlah sedih2 ye..

my balqis said...

yaya, tq yek sudi lawat blog nih, rajin2ler jengu hehe

attiey, tq...ala xpe better late than never, hehe due xlame dah nih, nnti diumumkan,hehe

iem, tq so much, ntah asik sedih jek lately, dugaan tul